Milonga el Abrazo with Scott O’Day Tango Trio
Empanada Milonga - 11 yrs @ St. Clement's Berkeley
Milonga @ Alberto's. DJ: Una Yi lee
La Rosa - Marin Matinee Milonga @ Belrose DJ Ashvin
houseTango Milonga & Super Bowl
Empanada Milonga at St. Clement's Berkeley
La Milonguita San Francisco
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
Abrazo Queer Tango classes and practica
Tukis Cada Domingo Serries Class and Practica
Elk Practica
Lisette's Classes & Practica
Intermediate Tango by A & A resumes next Sunday
Tango Fundamentals with Suzanne
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Alexander Sosa teaches in the South Bay
Firehouse 5 - Solo Technique
LiveMoreTango in Livermore Downtown
Beg & Int Tango w Chooi Goh in Sacramento
Intermediate Tango Series + 2 HourPractica by A & A
Begin & Int Tango at TBTR
The Beat with Christopher & Caroline DJ Red Hot
2hour Directed Pratica by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Tango Fundamentals Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Semi-private intermediate classes Marcelo Solis
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Alexander Sosa teaches in the South Bay
La Practica & Milonga El Valenciano-Dj AIJAN
TNTango Not Quite Valentine's Day Milonga
Carlin Class & Practica in Danville Sycamore Club
TNTango in Palo Alto
La Pista Tango Tuesdays with Christy & Emily
Free. Tango at Hamilton Rec.Center
"Learn to Lead 201" with Ryan Styles
Firehouse 5 - Tango Group Classes
Tango Monterey Bay's Practica
Tango Tuesdays in Santa Rosa
Advanced Tango Series by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Mendoza Classes, San Mateo
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango for People New to Tango - w/Sharon & Terry
Alexander Sosa teaches in the South Bay
All-Level Class w/ Homer Ladas
Free Tango Class/ Richard Dachyer
Nth Beach Valentine's Milonga & Class DJ C Carbone
"Cielito Lindo" la practica de tango @ 418
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
Class & Practica w Ramada & Elaine in Milbrae
Free Tango at Richmond Rec.Center Free
Edgardo Cadelago & Lisette's Class & Practica @ JDB
Da Moose Practica with DJ Michael Arntz
Queer Tango Classes with Miranda
Advanced Tango & Practica w Chooi Goh, Sacramento
Tango with Luz: Beg. series & Vals series
Semi-private intermediate classes w/ Marcelo Solis
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Free Tango Skyline College with Ken
Tango Skyline College with Ken
Alexander Sosa teaches in the South Bay
Technique w/Keith @ DA MOOSE in Sunnyvale
Ezgi Turmuş in San Francisco
Allegro - Milonga, with Cadenas/ Chains DJ:Michael
Che Welcome Milonga for Ezgi w DJ Madeleine
Malevaje : Closed THIS Thursday
FLOW Tango Practica ***On hold for now
Thursday Practica in Caspar
Advanced Tango at TBTR
Tango for People Not New to Tango w Sharon & Terry
Stanford Tango Series
IntimateEmbraceTango classes & workshops
Tango Series in Sunnyvale w/Keith
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango Monterey Bay's Tango with Katya
Carla & Jesus private sessions available
Harvey Milonga (alternative/contemporary)
Ezgi Turmuş in San Francisco
Genesis-Practica & Milonga-DJ UNA
Carlita Dominguez and Jesus Taborda @ Dance Blvd.
Valentine’S Day Milonga
The Magdalena Home-Milonga & Food
Beginner Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica @ MAC
houseTango Practica & Class, Emeryville
Tango Foundations with Luz Castineiras
Tango Vals Series w/ Luz & Diego
Firehouse 5 - Beginner's Práctica
Tango with Ylva
Tango Cañada College with Ken
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Carla & Jesus private sessions available
"Roxana Y Cesar” @ "Tukis" Free, Entrance
Allegro:Carla Dominguez & Jesus Taborda workshops
NO Vecher Tango tonight...
Valentine's Milonga Sentimental in San Mateo
Ezgi Turmuş in San Francisco
Firehouse 5 - Improvisation & Structure
NO Abrazo, the queer milonga. See Ezgi Queer Mil
Queer Milonga & Workshop with Ezgi at the Dome
Firehouse 5 - Milonga
Valentine Show Sycamore Tango Club Danville
Tango Monterey Bay's Valentine's milonga
Tango Saturdays: Lessons & Live Music, Palo Alto
Troilo.Tango La Practica Social
NO Class TODAY with Jean-Pierre S.
Class & Practica w/Glenn @ Bissap Baobab
Pre-Intermediate T. Series by Andrea & Adrian @ DB
Followers Technique Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Beginner Tango Course by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Workshops by Daniel JUÁREZ & Alejandra Armenti
Carla & Jesus private sessions available
Ezgi Turmuş in San Francisco
Milonga @ Alberto's. DJ: Jun Yi
Milonga Rubia w/ DJ Kenny Bell
SPL ED: La Rosa - Marin Matinee Milonga @ Belrose
houseTango Milonga at Emeryville Community Center
La Milonguita San Francisco
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
NO Abrazo Queer Tango classes and practica
Tukis Cada Domingo Serries Class and Practica
New Magdalena Technique with Jean-Pierre Sighe
Elk Practica
Lisette's Classes & Practica
Intermediate Tango by Andrea Monti & Adrian Durso
Queer Tango Workshops with Ezgi – Let’s Dance
Tango Fundamentals with Suzanne
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Firehouse 5 - Solo Technique
Tango Technique for all levels with Katya
Carlita Dominguez and Jesus Taborda Workshops @ DB
Carla & Jesus private sessions available
Private Lessons w Daniel JUÁREZ /Alejandra Armenti
Intermediate Tango Series + 2 HourPractica by A & A
Begin & Int Tango at TBTR
The Beat with Christopher & Caroline DJ Kuro
2hour Directed Pratica by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Tango Fundamentals Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Semi-private intermediate classes Marcelo Solis
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
No Class Today Beg & Int Tango w Chooi
Carla & Jesus's private sessions available
La Practica & Milonga El Valenciano-DJ Mungai
Carlin Class & Practica in Danville Sycamore Club
TNTango in Palo Alto
La Pista Lead/follow Exchange w/Christy & Chelsea
Free. Tango at Hamilton Rec.Center
"Learn to Lead 201" with Ryan Styles
Firehouse 5 - Tango Group Classes
Tango Monterey Bay's Practica
Tango Tuesdays in Santa Rosa
Advanced Tango Series by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Mendoza Classes, San Mateo
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango for People New to Tango - w/Sharon & Terry
Christy & Chelsea co-teach ADV at La Pista
All-Level Class w/ Homer Ladas
Free Tango Class/ Richard Dachyer
Carla & Jesus's private sessions available
"Cielito Lindo" la practica de tango @ 418
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
Class & Practica w Ramada & Elaine in Milbrae
Free Tango at Richmond Rec.Center Free
Edgardo Cadelago & Lisette's Class & Practica @ JDB
Da Moose Practica with DJ David Violet
Queer Tango Classes with Miranda
Advanced Tango & Practica w Chooi Goh, Sacramento
Tango with Luz: Beg. series & Vals series
Semi-private intermediate classes w/ Marcelo Solis
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Free Tango Skyline College with Ken
Tango Skyline College with Ken
Technique w/Keith @ DA MOOSE in Sunnyvale
Carla & Jesus's private sessions available
Allegro - Milonga, with Cadenas/ Chains DJ:Michael
Milonga Malevaje DJ: Dhruv - Class: Roxana & Cesar
FLOW Tango Practica ***On hold for now
Thursday Practica in Caspar
La Practica Marin
Advanced Tango at TBTR
Tango for People Not New to Tango w Sharon & Terry
Stanford Tango Series
IntimateEmbraceTango classes & workshops
Tango Series in Sunnyvale w/Keith
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango Monterey Bay's Tango with Katya
Andrea & Adrian Los Altos 's Special Milonga
Genesis-Practica & Milonga-DJ JUN
Friday Nite Milonga, Sacramento
Milonga @ Dance Boulevard
Beginner Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica @ MAC
houseTango Practica & Class, Emeryville
Tango Foundations with Luz Castineiras
Tango Vals Series w/ Luz & Diego
Firehouse 5 - Beginner's Práctica
Tango Cañada College with Ken
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango Saturdays: Lessons & Live Music, Palo Alto
Allegro Milonga with Roxanna Marinof & Cezar Duvalo
Milonga Tukis Guest Teacher "Alejandra and Daniel
Milonga Sentimental in San Mateo
All Night Milonga DJ Kostas
Milonga at Tango by the River
Santa Cruz Milonga w/ DJ Sohrab
Troilo.Tango La Practica Social
The Magdalena Technique with Jean-Pierre S.
Class & Practica w/Glenn @ Bissap Baobab
Free Practica 2:30-4:30pm Redwood City
Spire Tango Practica (alternative/contemporary)
Pre-Intermediate T. Series by Andrea & Adrian @ DB
Followers Technique Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Beginner Tango Course by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
La Catedral Milonga
Besos with Julia/Lautaro DJ Lautaro
Milonga @ Alberto's DJ: Olga Bogatova
No Free Sunday Matinee Milonga Sycamore Tango Club
houseTango Milonga at Emeryville Community Center
La Milonguita San Francisco
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
Abrazo Queer Tango classes and practica
Tukis Cada Domingo Serries Class and Practica
Lisette's Classes & Practica
Intermediate Tango by Andrea Monti & Adrian Durso
Tango Fundamentals with Suzanne
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Intro to Off-Axis: Tango Ramp Up w/ Emily Webb
Firehouse 5 - Solo Technique
Milonga Dabarkadz
Intermediate Tango Series + 2 HourPractica by A & A
Begin & Int Tango at TBTR
The Beat with Christopher & Caroline DJ Denis
2hour Directed Pratica by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Tango Fundamentals Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Semi-private intermediate classes Marcelo Solis
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Beg & Int Tango w Chooi Goh in Sacramento
La Pista w/Christy & Emily & live music of Cristal
Claudio Ortega con el Cuarteto Típico Cristal
La Practica & Milonga El Valenciano
Carlin Class & Practica in Danville Sycamore Club
TNTango in Palo Alto
Free. Tango at Hamilton Rec.Center
"Learn to Lead 201" with Ryan Styles
Firehouse 5 - Tango Group Classes
Tango Monterey Bay's Practica
Tango Tuesdays in Santa Rosa
Advanced Tango Series by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Mendoza Classes, San Mateo
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango for People New to Tango - w/Sharon & Terry
All-Level Class w/ Homer Ladas
Free Tango Class/ Richard Dachyer
"Cielito Lindo" la practica de tango @ 418
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
Class & Practica w Ramada & Elaine in Milbrae
Free Tango at Richmond Rec.Center Free
Edgardo Cadelago & Lisette's Class & Practica @ JDB
Da Moose Practica with DJ Fam
Queer Tango Classes with Miranda
Advanced Tango & Practica w Chooi Goh, Sacramento
Tango with Christopher: Beg. series & Vals series
Semi-private intermediate classes w/ Marcelo Solis
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Free Tango Skyline College with Ken
Tango Skyline College with Ken
Technique w/Keith @ DA MOOSE in Sunnyvale
Allegro - Milonga, with Cadenas/ Chains DJ:Michael
Milonga Malevaje DJ: Kate Halpin
FLOW Tango Practica ***On hold for now
Thursday Practica in Caspar
Advanced Tango at TBTR
Tango for People Not New to Tango w Sharon & Terry
Stanford Tango Series
IntimateEmbraceTango classes & workshops
Tango Series in Sunnyvale w/Keith
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango Monterey Bay's Tango with Katya
Genesis-Practica & Milonga-DJ Howoon
Bien Pulenta Milonga by A & A
Friday Nite Milonga, Sacramento
Desde El Alma - Milonga in Marin
Beginner Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica @ MAC
houseTango Practica & Class, Emeryville
Firehouse 5 - Beginner's Práctica
Tango Cañada College with Ken
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Claudio Ortega con el Cuarteto Típico Cristal
Milonga Tukis Roxana Marinoff y Cesar Davalos
Vecher Tango
Milonga Sentimental in San Mateo
San Ramon Milonga With DJ Michael Arntz
Che Milonga w DJ
Ballroom Night & Tango
Santa Cruz's Milonga Desde El Alma, DJ TBA
Stanford Milonga
Troilo.Tango La Practica Social
Tango Saturdays: Lessons & Live Music, Palo Alto
The Magdalena Technique with Jean-Pierre S.
Class & Practica w/Glenn @ Bissap Baobab
Classic Argentine Tango w/ Nora
1st-Sat. Mixed Music practica w/ Homer
Free Practica 2:30-4:30pm Redwood City
Pre-Intermediate T. Series by Andrea & Adrian @ DB
Followers Technique Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Beginner Tango Course by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Milonga el Abrazo — Dj Jordana
Milonga @ Alberto's DJ: Prashant Iyer
Milonga Rubia w/ DJ Edgardo Cadelago
La Rosa - Marin Matinee Milonga @ the Belrose
houseTango Milonga at Emeryville Community Center
La Milonguita San Francisco
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
Abrazo Queer Tango classes and practica
Tukis Cada Domingo Serries Class and Practica
La Cadencia Tango Class & Practica
New Magdalena Technique with Jean-Pierre Sighe
Elk Practica
Lisette's Classes & Practica
Intermediate Tango by Andrea Monti & Adrian Durso
Tango Fundamentals with Suzanne
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Firehouse 5 - Solo Technique
Intermediate Tango Series + 2 HourPractica by A & A
Begin & Int Tango at TBTR
The Beat with Brigitta Winkler DJ Sohrab Soltani
2hour Directed Pratica by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Tango Fundamentals Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Semi-private intermediate classes Marcelo Solis
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Beg & Int Tango w Chooi Goh in Sacramento
La Practica & Milonga El Valenciano
Carlin Class & Practica in Danville Sycamore Club
TNTango in Palo Alto
La Pista with Roxana Marinoff and Cesar Davalos
Free. Tango at Hamilton Rec.Center
"Learn to Lead 201" with Ryan Styles
Firehouse 5 - Tango Group Classes
Tango Monterey Bay's Practica
Tango Tuesdays in Santa Rosa
Advanced Tango Series by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Mendoza Classes, San Mateo
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango for People New to Tango - w/Sharon & Terry
All-Level Class w/ Homer Ladas
"Cielito Lindo" la practica de tango @ 418
Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica Hornos @ MAC
Class & Practica w Ramada & Elaine in Milbrae
Free Tango at Richmond Rec.Center Free
Tango with Diego and Alejandra: beg. & int.
Lisette's Class & Practica @ Just Dance Ballroom
Da Moose Practica with DJ Israel
Queer Tango Classes with Miranda
Advanced Tango & Practica w Chooi Goh, Sacramento
Semi-private intermediate classes w/ Marcelo Solis
Free Tango Skyline College with Ken
Tango Skyline College with Ken
Technique w/Keith @ DA MOOSE in Sunnyvale
Allegro - Milonga, with Cadenas/ Chains DJ:Michael
Milonga Malevaje DJ: Grigor Aslanyan
FLOW Tango Practica ***On hold for now
Thursday Practica in Caspar
Advanced Tango at TBTR
Tango for People Not New to Tango w Sharon & Terry
IntimateEmbraceTango classes & workshops
Starts Mar 20: Tango Series in Sunnyvale w/Keith
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Tango Monterey Bay's Tango with Katya
Genesis-Practica & Milonga
Friday Nite Milonga, Sacramento
Beginner Tango Classes w/Gustavo & Jesica @ MAC
houseTango Practica & Class, Emeryville
Firehouse 5 - Beginner's Práctica
Tango Cañada College with Ken
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo
Allegro Milonga with Diego Lanau & Alejandra Sarav
Milonga Sentimental in San Mateo
Milonga Tukis in a New Place Peninsula
Che Milonga w DJ
Milonga at Tango by the River
Tango Monterey Bay's Valentine's milonga
Troilo.Tango La Practica Social
The Magdalena Technique with Jean-Pierre S.
Class & Practica w/Glenn @ Bissap Baobab
Free Practica 2:30-4:30pm Redwood City
BESOS Pop-Up Practica DJ Daya
Pre-Intermediate T. Series by Andrea & Adrian @ DB
Followers Technique Class w/ Rena @ LaCadenciaTango
Beginner Tango Course by Maestros Andrea & Adrian
Private lessons with Carlos Osvaldo